Things are Getting Brighter

I had a pretty funny experience last week that is worthy repeating: I talked to a friend on the phone while picking up a few groceries. When I heard her voice I got all teary-eyed, I've just missed seeing all my friends! Well, the cashier asked if I was ok, so I explained I was good I just haven't seen her for awhile. And then the cashier got tears in her eyes too and choked out a "I understand." So we both just laughed and cried and laughed for a bit... Then the icing on the cake was when the teenager guy bagging the groceries shock his head and said "I just don't get it." Which of course made us laugh/cry even harder! 🤣😂🤣 ❤️ This painting is the result of my crying with a stranger, tiled: Things are Getting Brighter 15x30

Winter Triptych

With tomorrow being election day it seems like a perfect time to post my triptych. There are three paintings here that can stand alone, but together they are whole and create something beautiful. Family Trees-Winter 3- 10x20's

Splendor of Summer

It was ninety degrees one day and snowing the next. I guess it is time to say goodbye to summer and wrap my mind around the fact that "Winter is Coming." I pray it is a calm one. We need the snowfall, but no avalanches... A reasonable request if your ask me.

Enjoying the Hue

The term "Seeing Red" is often equated with anger. But, for me red is the expression of passion and strength. It radiates a strong and powerful energy. When I "See Red" I am enjoying the view. Enjoying the Hue 12x24 This is a study for a larger piece. I'll post it next week.

“It’s impossible” said pride

“It’s risky” said experience “It’s pointless” said reason “Give it a try” whispered the heart -Unknown Possible 12×24 possible impossible risky worththerisk pointless purpose amyeverhart via Instagram

Inspiration always strikes when I spend time among these Aspens. I love this grove. I have visited these Aspens summer, winter, spring, and fall. I have finally taken the time to capture a bit of the joy I find here.

Summer Grove via Instagram

Lupine Love

I love the mountain wild flowers we see all along the trails this time of year. Such a vast variety, and in their yellow and purple glory. Lupine Love 18×24 Oil on Canvas

Alone with the Aspens

My father-in-law has taken ill. While I reflect back on the time spent with Pomps I appreciate his humor and his gentle nature, and I find comfort. Alone with the Aspens 12×24 Oil on Canvas


I found “Connections” a fitting title for this piece. I painted it and my most recent painting “Brilliant Shadows” with the same palette, so you’ll see lots of similarities… as well as differences. And in this particular painting I included fallen aspens representing relations and people in our lives. They come and they got, yet… Continue reading Connections